Sara MoreiraSergio2022-02-05T16:51:09+00:00 Project Description Sara MoreiraLAWYER ProjectFor the client Sara Moreira, the project we carried out was the creation of the branding and also the design of the logo, in order to ensure the best image for the client, as well as a position appropriate to its market. Brands/Branding Graphic Design Back to PortfolioSelecione algum dos trabalhos destacados abaixo e continue a navegar nos nossos projetos. ShineTome Rodrigues2022-09-20T11:14:53+00:00 Shine Work4ItSergio2022-09-20T11:15:46+00:00 Work4It Eco Summit AngolaTome Rodrigues2024-10-11T14:56:39+00:00 Eco Summit Angola Farmácia AveirenseSergio2022-02-09T17:31:42+00:00 Farmácia Aveirense BecertifSergio2022-02-05T16:53:43+00:00 Becertif Lance-nos um desafioTEM ALGUMA GRANDE IDEIA EM QUE POSSAMOS AJUDAR? Contact us